Evan O'Connor

Stockholm University
Albanova University Center
Department of Astronomy SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden

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I am a Universitetslektor (Associate Professor) in the Astronomy Department at Stockholm University. I am mainly interested in the dynamics of compact objects via their creation in supernovae and their connection to the detailed microphysics. I am also particularly interesting the associated neutrino signal and what its measurement can tell us about the underlying microphysics. I graduated with my Ph.D. from Caltech in the TAPIR group. If you are interested, here is my thesis. I obtained my bachelor from the University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI) in 2007 in Science (Physics, Honours, Co-op). I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Canadian Institute of Astrophysics from 2012-2014 and a Hubble Fellow in the Physics Department at North Carolina State University from 2014-2017. For all the details, have a look below and/or at my CV. Here is my author query at arXiv, and my article library at Nasa ADS.

Profiled Work

Black Hole Supernovae, their Equation of State Dependence and Ejecta Composition, O. Eggenberger Andersen, E. O'Connor, H. Andresen, A. da Silva Schneider, S. M. Couch, ApJ 980 53 2025 ApJ link, arXiv link

Animation showing the entire 22.1 day evolution of a black hole supernova starting from core bounce. This simulation (based on an equation of state with a large thermal component which delays black hole formation) forms a black hole at 1.45 seconds. The right is a zoomed in view of the central region. The color shows the density. The green lines delineates the bound/unbound region.


Oliver Eggenberger Andersen's first paper of his PhD is a doozy! An emerging trend in core-collapse theory is simulations of high compactness progenitors that successfully explode but, through continued accretion, soon form a black hole. For lack of a better name within the literature, and to distinguish these black holes from other black hole formation channels like failed supernovae and fallback supernovae, we called these events black hole supernovae since not only is a black hole formed, but also a successful explosion. In this work Oliver studies the equation of state dependence of black hole supernovae and also carries out the simulations until very late times, well past shock breakout extending from 20 days to 50 days depending on the equation of state. We find that the properties of the explosion sensitively depend on the equation of state since not only does it impact the strength on the initial explosion, but it also sets the time at which the protoneutron star will collapse. Later black hole formations allow the explosion to develop more and result in larger explosion energies, fast black hole formation times truncate the explosion reduce the final energy.

Gravitational-Wave Signature of a First-Order Quantum Chromodynamics Phase Transition in Core-Collapse Supernovae, Zha, S., E. O'Connor, M.-C. Chu, L.-M. Lin, S.M. Couch, PRL 125 051102 2020 PRL link, arXiv link

Entropy rendering of the second supernova shock generated by the first-order QCD phase transition, the original (stalled) supernova shock, and the beginning of the multidimensional motions in the core that generate the gravitational waves.


Shuai Zha, a postdoc in the Department of Astronomy and the OKC led this fantastic work exploring the gravitational waves from a first-order QCD phase tranistion in a core-collapse supernovae. He predicts a loud, short (~few ms) high frequency (~few kHz) burst of gravitational waves sonn after the second collapse (when the protocompact star transitions to a quark star). As shown by Irina Sagert et al. in 2009, as the proto-compact star transitions to a quark star, a second (!) supernova shock is created which leads to an explosion (even in 1D). It quick catches up and overtakes the original shock and explodes the progenitor star. As far as multimessanger signals go, the phase transition gives rise to a second burst of neutrinos (known from 1D) and, as Shuai has shown for the first time using multidimensional simulations, gravitational waves! The gravitational waves are triggered by the asymmetries present in the convective zone of protocompact star before it collapsed (for the second time).

Exploring Fundamentally Three-dimensional Phenomena in High-fidelity Simulations of Core-collapse Supernovae, E. O'Connor, S. Couch, ApJ 865 81 (2018) ApJ link, arXiv link

This image was hard to pick because we explore so many interesting and different aspects of 3D CCSNe. This image shows the relative (to the mean) distribution of net lepton number on a sphere located at 500km. What you see is a clear dipole componant which signifies the presence of LESA, original proposed by Tamborra et al. (2014), but not independantly confirmed until this work. The LESA phenomenon may have important consequences for nucleosynthesis, neutrino oscillations, and neutrino signal detection.


In this article, Sean and I present the results from a suite of three dimensional models exploring imposed progenitor asphericities, resolution, symmetries, and transport methods. While we see no explosions, we see lots of exciting three dimensional dynamics. We present gravitational wave signals from all of our full 3D models (and 2D models) and well as neutrino signals. We discover the presence of the lepton number self-sustained asymmetry first discovoered by Tamborra et al. (2014) in our simulation. This lends support to the instability, and rules out the potential cause being the ray-by-ray transport used in the original study. We see many instances of spirial SASI waves that become nonlinear, collapse, induce turbulent motions and give transient shock expanison phases. The turbulence induced by these SASI waves, and from the precollapse perturbations, excite the PNS and given rise to burts of gravtitational wave radiation. The GW data (all six componants for each full 3D model and the one non-zero componant for the 2D model) can be found here along with the scripts used to generate Figures 13 and 14 in the paper. The spherically averaged neutrino data is here. If anyone would like other data from these simulations, please inquire.

Global Comparison of Core-Collapse Supernova Simulations in Spherical Symmetry, E. O'Connor, R. Bollig, A. Burrows, S. Couch, T. Fischer, H.-T. Janka, K. Kotake, E. J. Lentz, M. Liebendörfer, O. E. B. Messer, A. Mezzacappa, T. Takiwaki, D. Vartanyan, Journal of Physics G: Focus issue on Core-Collapse Supernovae, JPG link, arXiv link

Shock radius and protoneutron star radius evolution for all six codes used in this comparison. The initial progenitor (20 solar mas star), the equation of state (SFHo), and the neutrino interactions are all fixed across the codes, making for a true comparison between groups.


In this article we bring together many of the world leading modelers of core-collapse supernovae in order to demonstrate the agreement between our codes. We play close attention to the initial conditions and the underlying input physics to ensure a apples-to-apples comparison. We see remarkable agreement in many of the quanties explored, including the mass accretion rates, shock radii, neutrino luminosities and energies, as well as the total amount of net neutrino heating. We hope this is a stepping stone to future comparisons with more modern neutrino microphysics and also in two and ultimately three dimensions. To the left we show a sample of our results. We show the evolution of the shock radius and protoneutron star radius for all six codes involved.

Two Dimensional Core-Collapse Supernova Explosions Aided by General Relativity with Multidimensional Neutrino Transport, E. O'Connor, S. Couch, ApJ 85463 2018 ApJ link, arXiv link

Shock radius evolution for five core-collapse supernova simulations using general relativistic gravity and a two moment neutrino transport, both new additions to the FLASH core-collapse code. Three of the five GR simulations are successful and develop explosions within 500-1000 ms after bounce.


In in paper we introduce two new improvements to the core-collapse supernova simulation package that is built on the FLASH hydrodynamics code. We implement a general relativistic effective potential into our Newtonian hydrodynamics simulations. This allows us to capture the proper general relativistic structure of the PNS in the core-collapse supernova central engine. We also implement a truly multidimensional, velocity- and energy-dependent, multispecies, two moment neutrino transport scheme with an analytic closure (so-called M1). With these improvements, we perform simulations of five progenitors using both Newtonian and general relativistic treatments of gravity. We find explosions (in three of five models) when using general relativistic gravity. When using Newtonian gravity we find some explosions, but they occur much later. Furthermore, our results compare well to other simulations in the literature!

An Open-Source Neutrino Radiation Hydrodynamics Code for Core-Collapse Supernovae, E. O'Connor, ApJS 219 24 2015, ApJS link arXiv link

Comparison of the central lepton fractions and central entropy of GR1Dv2 compared to full Boltzmann transport solutions from Liebendoerfer et al. (2005). GR1Dv2 performs equally well comparing radial profiles at and after bounce, as well as when comparing the neutrino signals (luminosities, root mean squared energies).


In this article, I develop and make open-source a new neutrino radiation hydrodynamic code designed for core-collpase supernovae. Additionally, I present NuLib, an open-source neutrino interaction library. GR1Dv2 and Nulib can simulate the core collapse, bounce, and postbounce phases of a core-collapse supernovae and obtain results that compare well to Boltzmann transport calculations. The routines are specifically designed to work well with multidimensional transport codes as excellent results can be obtained without the need to invert any matrix larger than the number of dimensions plus 1. This transport code is fully general relativistic, can handle inelastic scattering interactions, pair-production interactions, neutrino energy couplings, and full velocity dependence of the transport equations. Besides a detailed comparison to Boltzmann transport results, we test our code on the evolution of a failed core-collapse supernovae up to black hole formation.

The Progenitor Dependence of the Preexplosion Neutrino Emission in Core-Collapse Supernovae, E. O'Connor and C.D. Ott ApJ 762 126 ApJ link, arXiv link

Neutrino luminosities and average energies for 32 progenitor models. The color corresponds to the compactness of the progenitor star at the time of bounce. Low compactness progenitors have small postbounce accretion rates and low postbounce luminosities. Higher compactness progenitors have larger accretion rates and larger luminosities. The temperature in the postshock region also increases with compactness of the progenitor models, this leads to a systematic increase in the average energies with compactness.

In this paper, Christian and I implement a new neutrino transport scheme into GR1D. It is a two moment closure scheme based on the truncated moment formalism of Shibata et al. (2011) and Audit et al. (2002). We evolve 32 progenitor stars from Woosley and Heger (2007) with two equations of state and study the progenitor dependence of the preexplosion neutrino spectra. We show that the emitted neutrino luminosities and spectra follow very systematic trends that are correlated with the compactness (~M/R) of the progenitor star's inner regions via the accretion rate in the preexplosion phase. We find that these qualitative trends depend only weakly on the nuclear equation of state, but quantitative observational statements will require independent constraints on the equation of state and the rotation rate of the core as well as a more complete understanding of neutrino oscillations. We investigate the simulated response of water Cherenkov detectors to the electron antineutrino fluxes from our models and find that the large statistics of a galactic core collapse event may allow robust conclusions on the inner structure of the progenitor star.

The Role of Collective Neutrino Flavor Oscillations in Core-Collapse Supernova Shock Revival, B. Dasgupta, E. O'Connor, C. D. Ott PRD 85 065008 (2012). PRD link, arXiv link

Evolution of the average, north pole and south pole values of the shock radius versus time for a 2D core-collapse supernova simulation with VULCAN/2D. Also shown is the expected radius (both numerical and analytic predictions) at which collective neutrino oscillations begin and end. We find little room for collective neutrino oscillations to enhance neutrino heating. See description to the left, or, even better, read the paper!


The neutrino mechanism for Core-Collapse Supernova shock revival most likely plays a large role in exploding garden-variety massive stars. However, in one and possibly two dimensions, the robustness of this mechanism has not been demonstrated. We still do not know the details of how massive stars explode. Collective neutrino oscillations (CNO) are a mechanism, in addition to standard vacuum and matter oscillations, through which neutrinos can oscillate between flavor states. CNOs occur when the density of neutrinos is sufficiently high to influence the evolution of the neutrino fields. Neutrino densities of this order are reached only in the early universe and in the core of a protoneutron star formed in a core-collapse supernova. If collective neutrino oscillations occur soon after the core of a massive star collapses it may be possible for the more energetic mu and tau neutrinos to oscillate into electron type neutrino and enhance the efficiency of the neutrino mechanism. Our simulations show that the neutrinos emitted in the first 100s of milliseconds after bounce do not start to oscillate until a radius where they will not contribute to the neutrino mechanism :(

Black Hole Formation in Failing Core-Collapse Supernovae, E. O'Connor and C. D. Ott, Astrophys. J. 730 70 (2011) ApJ link, arXiv link

Outcome of core collapse (either explosion or failed supernova) for single, nonrotating, massive stars for moderately stiff equations of state. We find that neutrino driven explosions are likely to fail for values of the bounce compactness > 0.45. Low metallicity stars likely form black holes for ZAMS masses greater than ~30 solar masses, ~15% for a Salpeter IMF. For solar metallicity stars the percentage is less and strongly depends on the mass loss perscription, but can be as high as 7%. For full details, read the paper!


In this large systematic study of failing core-collapse supernova, Christian and I study the dependence of black hole formation on ZAMS mass and metallicity, mass loss prescription, nuclear EOS, and rotation. We make use of GR1D, our open-source, spherically symmetric, general-relativistic hydrodynamics code along with simplified neutrino physics that allows us to perform over 700 simulations. One of the main results of this project is the prediction of what progenitor stars lead to a failed supernova. This is depicted in the figure to the left.

A New Open-Source Code for Spherically-Symmetric Stellar Collapse to Neutron Stars and Black Holes, E. O'Connor and C. D. Ott, Class. Quan. Grav. 27, 114103 (2010). CQG link, arXiv link

Shown is the shock radius (maroon) and the neutrino luminosity for electron neutrinos and antineutrinos as well as a representative neutrino encompassing all 4 \mu and \tau neutrinos and antineutrinos. The difference between the solid maroon and dashed hot pink line shows the effect of neutrino heating in the post shock region.


This paper is result of a long project developing an open-source, spherically-symmetric, general-relativistic Eulerian hydrodynamic code used to study core collapse, proto-neutron star formation and early evolution as well as black hole formation. It is work done in close collaboration with Christian Ott. The code is called GR1D and is available at stellarcollapse.org. It includes multiple finite-temperature EOS (also available at stellarcollapse.org), a 3-flavour neutrino leakage and heating scheme and effective 1D rotation. We are using GR1D to study black hole formation in stellar collapse but GR1D can quickly be adapted to study many areas of core collapse and proto-neutron star evolution. If you are interested please download and use GR1D, and we are open to collaboration if you have a idea you want to pursue with us. Shown on the left is a typical simulation with GR1D, This shows the postbounce evolution of a 40 solar mass progenitor taken from Woosley & Weaver (1995). It uses GR1D's standard core collapse settings and the Lattimer & Swesty K=180 MeV EOS.

Influence of light nuclei on neutrino-driven supernova outflows, A. Arcones, G. Martinez-Pinedo, E. O'Connor, A. Schwenk, H.-Th. Janka, C. J. Horowitz, and K. Langanke, Phys. Rev. C 78, 015806 (2008). PRC link, arXiv link

Mass fraction of A=1,2,3,4 nuclei (and a representative heavy nucleus for NSE EOS) as a function of radius. The solid lines denote the location of the neutrinosphere (inner = antineutrino, outer = neutrino). Lines are marked by species and show the mass fraction for (a) dashed - standard supernova EOS (b) dotted - NSE EOS and (c) solid - virial EOS. Note the divergence on the proton and 4He nuclei mass fractions at low radii.

In this work we looked at how the composition of the neutrinosphere in a supernova is effected by the inclusion of light nuclei, i.e. deuterons, tritons, and 3He nuclei in addition to the usual suspects in the neutrinosphere: neutrons, protons and 4He nuclei. In addition to studying the effect on the composition, we looked at light nuclei's effect on the emitted neutrino spectrum. As expected, the neutrino spectrum is not significantly effected as neutrinos interact mainly with neutrons; neutrons are not dramatically effected by light nuclei. We find however that the emitted anti-neutrino spectrum is effected, for example, the post-bounce antineutrino spectrum's average energy is reduced by ~1 MeV. The neutrino and anti-neutrino spectrum emitted from the neutrinosphere are not only interesting for detection purposes but they are also interesting because these neutrinos and anti-neutrinos are important in nucleosynthesis further out in the recently exploded star.

Neutrino Breakup of A=3 Nuclei in Supernovae, E. O'Connor, D Gazit, C. J. Horowitz, A. Schwenk, and N. Barnea, Phys. Rev. C 75, 055803 (2007). PRC link, arXiv link

Neutrino energy loss due to inelastic excitations (breakup) of A=3,4 nuclei. dotted (red) is 4He nucleus contribution to the energy loss, dash-dot-dot (blue) is triton particle contribution and dash-dash-dot (green) is for 3He nucleus. The solid line (black) to the sum of all three contributions. The three graphs show different proton fractions.

In this paper we first introduced A=3 nuclei to the low-density virial expansion EOS. While 4He nuclei are typically more abundant, the binding energy is large compared to neutrino energies and also large compared to A=3 binding energies, therefore inelastic energy transfer cross sections of neutrinos on A=3 nuclei is important to consider in addition to the corresponding cross section of 4He nuclei. This paper also details the calculation of the inelastic cross sections through ab-initio methods.

A series of snapshots during collapse (left t=0, middle t=83 ps, right t=680ps).

Unrelated to astrophysics, my undergraduate thesis, under the supervision of Sheldon Opps at UPEI, involved discontinuous molecular dynamics (DMD). A copy can be found here. In this thesis project we explored simple computational models of Langmuir monolayers. A Langmuir monolayer is a collection of surfactant molecules on the surface of water. These layers are one molecule thick (hence monolayer) and are arranged so that the hydrophilic (water liking) part of the molecule is at the water-layer boundary and the hydrophobic (water fearing) part of the molecule, typically a carbon chain, is pointed out of the water. A common example of a surfactant molecule is stearic acid. Of particular interest in this thesis was the mechanisms and dynamics of monolayer collapse.


Phase-transition-induced Collapse of Proto-compact Stars and Its Implication for Supernova Explosions, Huang, X.-R., Zha, S., Chu, M.-. chung ., O'Connor, E.P., and Chen, L.-W., ApJ 979 151 2025 ApJ link arXiv link
Neutrino Heating in 1D, 2D, and 3D core-collapse supernovae: characterizing the explosion of high-compactness stars, Boccioli, L., Vartanyan, D., O'Connor, E.P., and Kasen, D., arXiv arXiv:2501.06784 2025 arXiv link
Quantifying the impact of the Si/O interface in CCSN explosions using the Force Explosion Condition, Boccioli, L., Gogilashvili, M., Murphy, J., and O'Connor, E.P., MNRAS.tmp 2025 MNRAS.tmp link arXiv link
Black Hole Supernovae, their Equation of State Dependence and Ejecta Composition, Eggenberger Andersen, O., O'Connor, E., Andresen, H., da Silva Schneider, A., and Couch, S.M., arXiv arXiv:2411.11969 2024 arXiv link
Data-driven core collapse supernova multilateration with first neutrino events, Azfar, F., Tseng, J., Colomer Molla, M., Scholberg, K., Habig, A., BenZvi, S., Kara, M., Kneller, J., Migenda, J., Milisavljevic, D., and O'Connor, E., arXiv arXiv:2410.11984 2024 arXiv link
Gray two-moment neutrino transport: Comprehensive tests and improvements for supernova simulations, Andresen, H., O'Connor, E.P., Andersen, O.E., and Couch, S.M., A&A 687 A55 2024 A&A link arXiv link
Unveiling the nature of gravitational-wave emission in core-collapse supernovae with perturbative analysis, Zha, S., Eggenberger Andersen, O., and O'Connor, E.P., PhRvD 109 083023 2024 PhRvD link arXiv link
Detectability of neutrino-signal fluctuations induced by the hadron-quark phase transition in failing core-collapse supernovae, Lin, Z., Zha, S., O'Connor, E.P., and Steiner, A.W., PhRvD 109 023005 2024 PhRvD link arXiv link
The force explosion condition is consistent with spherically symmetric CCSN explosions, Gogilashvili, M., Murphy, J.W., and O'Connor, E.P., MNRAS 524 4109 2023 MNRAS link arXiv link
Inferring Type II-P Supernova Progenitor Masses from Plateau Luminosities, Barker, B.L., O'Connor, E.P., and Couch, S.M., ApJL 944 L2 2023 ApJL link arXiv link
A Parameterized Neutrino Emission Model to Study Mass Ejection in Failed Core-collapse Supernovae, da Silva Schneider, A. and O'Connor, E., ApJ 942 16 2023 ApJ link arXiv link
Impact of rotation on the multimessenger signatures of a hadron-quark phase transition in core-collapse supernovae, Zha, S. and O'Connor, E., PhRvD 106 123037 2022 PhRvD link arXiv link
Comparison of Electron Capture Rates in the N = 50 Region using 1D Simulations of Core-collapse Supernovae, Johnston, Z., Wasik, S., Titus, R., Warren, M.L., O'Connor, E.P., Zegers, R., and Couch, S.M., ApJ 939 15 2022 ApJ link arXiv link
Horizons: nuclear astrophysics in the 2020s and beyond, Schatz, H. et al., JPhG 49 110502 2022 JPhG link arXiv link
Neutrino driven explosions aided by axion cooling in multidimensional simulations of core-collapse supernovae, Betranhandy, A. and O'Connor, E., PhRvD 106 063019 2022 PhRvD link arXiv link
Connecting the Light Curves of Type IIP Supernovae to the Properties of Their Progenitors, Barker, B.L., Harris, C.E., Warren, M.L., O'Connor, E.P., and Couch, S.M., ApJ 934 67 2022 ApJ link arXiv link
Hydrodynamic simulations of electron-capture supernovae: progenitor and dimension dependence, Zha, S., O'Connor, E.P., Couch, S.M., Leung, S.-C., and Nomoto, K., MNRAS 513 1317 2022 MNRAS link arXiv link
SNEWPY: A Data Pipeline from Supernova Simulations to Neutrino Signals, Baxter, A.L., Benzvi, S., Jaimes, J.C., Coleiro, A., Molla, M.C., Dornic, D., Goldhagen, T., Graf, A., Griswold, S., Habig, A., Hill, R., Horiuchi, S., Kneller, J.P., Lang, R.F., Lincetto, M., Migenda, J., Nakamura, K., O'Connor, E., Renshaw, A., Scholberg, K., Tunnell, C., Uberoi, N., Worlikar, A., and The Snews Collaboration, ApJ 925 107 2022 ApJ link JOSS link arXiv link
Effect of the Nuclear Equation of State on Relativistic Turbulence-induced Core-collapse Supernovae, Boccioli, L., Mathews, G.J., Suh, I.-S., and O'Connor, E.P., ApJ 926 147 2022 ApJ link arXiv link
Neutrino Echos following Black Hole Formation in Core-collapse Supernovae, Gullin, S., O'Connor, E.P., Wang, J.-S., and Tseng, J., ApJ 926 212 2022 ApJ link arXiv link
Equation-of-state Dependence of Gravitational Waves in Core-collapse Supernovae, Eggenberger Andersen, O., Zha, S., da Silva Schneider, A., Betranhandy, A., Couch, S.M., and O'Connor, E.P., ApJ 923 201 2021 ApJ link arXiv link
Nonradial neutrino emission upon black hole formation in core collapse supernovae, Wang, J.-S., Tseng, J., Gullin, S., and O'Connor, E.P., PhRvD 104 104030 2021 PhRvD link arXiv link
Calibration of the Advanced Spectral Leakage scheme for neutron star merger simulations, and extension to smoothed-particle hydrodynamics, Gizzi, D., Lundman, C., O'Connor, E., Rosswog, S., and Perego, A., MNRAS 505 2575 2021 MNRAS link arXiv link
Supernova Model Discrimination with Hyper-Kamiokande, Abe, K. et al. ApJ 916 15 2021 ApJ link arXiv link
Determining the Structure of Rotating Massive Stellar Cores with Gravitational Waves, Pajkos, M.A., Warren, M.L., Couch, S.M., O'Connor, E.P., and Pan, K.-C., ApJ 914 80 2021 ApJ link arXiv link
General Relativistic Neutrino-driven Turbulence in One-dimensional Core-collapse Supernovae, Boccioli, L., Mathews, G.J., and O'Connor, E.P., ApJ 912 29 2021 ApJ link arXiv link
Progenitor Dependence of Hadron-quark Phase Transition in Failing Core-collapse Supernovae, Zha, S., O'Connor, E.P., and da Silva Schneider, A., ApJ 911 74 2021 ApJ link arXiv link
SNEWS 2.0: a next-generation supernova early warning system for multi-messenger astronomy, Al Kharusi, S. et al. NJPh 23 031201 2021 NJPh link arXiv link
Measuring the distance and mass of galactic core-collapse supernovae using neutrinos, Segerlund, M., O'Sullivan, E., and O'Connor, E., arXiv arXiv:2101.10624 2021 arXiv link
Impact of neutrino pair-production rates in core-collapse supernovae, Betranhandy, A. and O'Connor, E., PhRvD 102 123015 2020 PhRvD link arXiv link
Constraining Properties of the Next Nearby Core-collapse Supernova with Multimessenger Signals, Warren, M.L., Couch, S.M., O'Connor, E.P., and Morozova, V., ApJ 898 139 2020 ApJ link arXiv link
Gravitational-wave Signature of a First-order Quantum Chromodynamics Phase Transition in Core-Collapse Supernovae, Zha, S., O'Connor, E., Chu, M.-C., Lin, L.-M., Couch, S.M., PRL 125 051102 2020 PRL link arXiv link
Constraining properties of the next nearby core-collapse supernova with multi-messenger signals, Warren, M.L., Couch, S.M., O'Connor, E., Morozona, V. ApJ 898 139 2020 ApJ link arXiv link
Equation of State and Progenitor Dependence of Stellar-mass Black Hole Formation, Schneider, A., O'Connor, E., Granqvist, E., Betranhandy, A. Couch, S.M., ApJ 894 4 2020 ApJ Link arXiv link
Simulating Turbulence-aided Neutrino-driven Core-collapse Supernova Explosions in One Dimension, Couch, S.M., O'Connor, E., Warren, M. L. ApJ 890 127 2020 ApJ link arXiv link
Multimessenger asteroseismology of core-collapse supernovae, Westernacher-Schneider, J.R., O'Connor, E., O'Sullivan, E., Tamborra, I., Wu, M.-R., Couch, S.M., Malmenbeck, F., PRD 100 123009 2019 PRD link arXiv link
A multidimensional implementation of the Advanced Spectral neutrino Leakage scheme, Gizzi, D., O'Connor, E., Rosswog, S., Perego, A., Cabezon, R.M., Nativi, L., MNRAS 490 4211 2019 MNRAS link arXiv link
Equation of state effects in the core collapse of a 20 solar mass star, Schneider, A., Roberts, L. Ott, C., O'Connor, E., PRC 100 055802 2019 PRC link arXiv link
Features of Accretion-phase Gravitational-wave Emission from Two-dimensional Rotating Core-collapse Supernovae, Pajkos, M.A., Couch, S.M., Pan, K.-C., O'Connor, E., ApJ 878 13, 2019 ApJ link arXiv link
Evolution of the Progenitors of SNe 1993J and 2011dh Revealed through Late-time Radio and X-Ray Studies, Kundu, E., Lundqvist, P., Sorokina, E., Perez-Torres, M. A., Blinnikov, S., O'Connor, E., Ergon, M., Chandra, P., Das, B., ApJ 875 17 2019 ApJ link arXiv link
The Impact of Different Neutrino Transport Methods on Multidimensional Core-collapse Supernova Simulations, Pan, K.C., Mattes, C. O'Connor, E., Couch, S.M., Perego, A., Arcones, A. Journal of Physics G: Focus issue on Core-Collapse Supernovae 46 014001 2019 JPG link arXiv link
Elastic Scattering in General Relativistic Ray Tracing for Neutrinos Deaton, M.B., O'Connor, E., Zhu, Y.L., Bohn, A., Jesse, J., Foucart, F., Duez, M.D., McLaughlin, G.C., PRD 98 103014 2018 PRD link, arXiv link
Global Comparison of Core-Collapse Supernova Simulations in Spherical Symmetry, O'Connor, E., Bollig, R., Burrows, A., Couch, S., Fischer, T., Janka, H.T., Kotake, K., Lentz E.J., Liebendörfer, M., Messer, O.E.B., Mezzacappa, A., Takiwaki, T., Vartanyan, D., Journal of Physics G: Focus issue on Core-Collapse Supernovae 45 104001 2018 JPG link arXiv link
Exploring Fundamentally Three-dimensional Phenomena in High-fidelity Simulations of Core-collapse Supernovae, O'Connor, E., Couch, S. ApJ 865 81 2018 ApJ link arXiv link
Black hole-neutron star mergers using a survey of finite-temperature equations of state, Brege, W., Duez, M. D., Foucart, F., Deaton, M. B., Caro, J., Hemberger, D. A., Kidder, L. E., O'Connor, E. Pfeiffer, H. P., Scheel, M. A., PRD 98 063009 2018 PRD link arXiv link
Two Dimensional Core-Collapse Supernova Explosions Aided by General Relativity with Multidimensional Neutrino Transport, O'Connor, E., Couch, S. ApJ 854 63 2018 ApJ link arXiv link
Equation of state effects on gravitational waves from rotating core collapse, Richers, S., Ott, C. D., Abdikamalov, E.,O'Connor, E., Sullivan, C., PRD 95 063019 2017 PRD link arXiv link
Neutrino-nucleon scattering in supernova matter from the virial expansion, Horowitz, C. J., Caballero, O. L., Lin, Z., O'Connor, E., Schwenk, A., PRC 95 025801 2017 PRC link arXiv link
Impact of an improved neutrino energy estimate on outflows in neutron star merger simulations, Foucart, F., O'Connor, E., Roberts, L., Kidder, L. E., Pfeiffer, H. P., Scheel, M. A., PRD 94 123016 2016 PRD link arXiv link
Nuclear pasta and supernova neutrinos at late times, Horowitz, C. J., Berry, D. K., Caplan, M. E., Fischer, T., Lin, Z., Newton, W. G., O'Connor, E., Roberts, L. F., submitted to PRL arXiv link
General-Relativistic Three-Dimensional Multi-group Neutrino Radiation-Hydrodynamics Simulations of Core-Collapse Supernovae, Roberts, L. F., Ott, C. D., Haas, R., O'Connor, E., Diener, P., Schnetter, E., ApJ link arXiv link
Unequal mass binary neutron star mergers and multimessenger signals, Lehner, L., Liebling, S. L., Palenzuela, C., Caballero, O. L., O'Connor, E, Anderson, M., Neilsen, D., CQG 33 184002 2016 CQG link arXiv link
Ankowski et al., White paper on Supernova Physics at DUNE arXiv link
Low mass binary neutron star mergers: gravitational waves and neutrino emission, Foucart, F., Haas, R., Duez, M. D., O'Connor, E., Ott, C. D., Roberts, L., Kidder, L. E., Lippuner, J., Pfeiffer, H. P., Scheel, M. A., PRD 93 044019 2016 PRD link arXiv link
The Sensitivity of Core-Collapse Supernovae to Nuclear Electron Capture, Sullivan, C., O'Connor, E., Zegers, R. G. T., Grubb, T., Austin, S. M., ApJ 816 44 2016 ApJ link arXiv link
Monte Carlo Neutrino Transport Through Remnant Disks from Neutron Star Mergers, Richers, S., Kasen, D., O'Connor, E., Fernandez, R., Ott, C.D., ApJ 813 38 2015 ApJ link arXiv link
Effects of the microphysical Equation of State in the mergers of magnetized Neutron Stars With Neutrino Cooling, Palenzuela, C., Liebling, S. L., Neilsen, D., Lehner, L., Caballero, O. L., O'Connor, E. Anderson, M., PRD 92 044045 2015 PRD link arXiv link
An Open-Source Neutrino Radiation Hydrodynamics Code for Core-Collapse Supernovae, O'Connor, E. ApJS 219 24 2015 ApJS link arXiv link
Post-merger evolution of a neutron star-black hole binary with neutrino transport, Foucart, F., O'Connor, E, Roberts, L., Duez, M.D., Haas, R., Kidder, L.E., Ott, C.D. Pfeiffer, H.P., Scheel, M.A., Szilagyi, B., PRD 91 124021 2015 PRD Link arXiv link
Magnetized neutron stars with realistic equations of state and neutrino cooling, Neilsen, D., Liebling, S.L., Anderson, M., Lehner, L., O'Connor, E. Palenzuela, C., PRD 89 104029 2014 PRD link arXiv link
Neutron star-black hole mergers with a nuclear equation of state and neutrino cooling: Dependence in the binary parameters, Foucart, F., Deaton, M. B., Duez, M. D., O'Connor, E., Ott, C. D., Haas, R., Kidder, L. E., Pfeiffer, H. P., Scheel, M. A., Szilagyi, B. PRD 90 024026 2014 PRD Link arXiv link
High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Simulations of Core-Collapse Supernovae in Multiple Progenitors, Couch, S. M., O'Connor, E., ApJ 785 123 2014 ApJ link arXiv link
The Influence of Thermal Pressure on Hypermassive Neutron Star Merger Remnants, Kaplan, J. D., Ott, C. D., O'Connor, E., Kiuchi, K., Roberts, L., Duez, M. ApJ 790 19 2014 ApJ Link arXiv link
Black Hole-Neutron Star Mergers with a Hot Nuclear Equation of State: Outflow and Neutrino-Cooled Disk for a Low-Mass, High-Spin Case, Deaton, M. B., Duez, M. D., Foucart, F., O'Connor, E., Ott, C. D., Kidder, L. E., Muhlberger, C. D., Scheel, M. A., Szilagyi, B. ApJ 776 47 (2013) ApJ link arXiv link
General-Relativistic Simulations of Three-Dimensional Core-Collapse Supernovae, Ott, C.D., Abdikamalov, E., Moesta, P., Haas, R., Drasco, S., O'Connor, E., Reisswig, C., Meakin, C., Schnetter, E. ApJ 768 115 (2013), ApJ link arXiv link
The Progenitor Dependence of the Preexplosion Neutrino Emission in Core-Collapse Supernovae, O'Connor, E. and Ott, C.D. ApJ 762 126 (2013), ApJ link arXiv link
Charged current neutrino interactions in core-collapse supernovae in a virial expansion, Horowitz, C.J., Shen, G., O'Connor, E., C.D. Ott PRC 86 065806 (2012) PRC link arXiv link
Correlated Gravitational Wave and Neutrino Signals from General-Relativistic Rapidly Rotating Iron Core Collapse, Ott, C.D., Abdikamalov, E., O'Connor, E., Reisswig, C., Haas, R., Kalmus, P., Drasco, S., Burrows, A., Schnetter, E. PRD 86 024026 (2012), arXiv link PRD link
A New Monte Carlo Method for Time-Dependent Neutrino Radiation Transport, Abdikamalov, E., Burrows, A., Ott, C.D., Loeffler, F., O'Connor, E., Dolence, J., Schnetter, E. ApJ 755 111 (2012), arXiv link ApJ link
The Arduous Journey to Black-Hole Formation in Potential Gamma-Ray Burst Progenitors, Dessart, L., O'Connor, E., Ott, C.D. ApJ 754 76 (2012), ApJ link arXiv link
The Role of Collective Neutrino Flavor Oscillations in Core-Collapse Supernova Shock Revival, Dasgupta, B., O'Connor, E., Ott, C.D. PRD 85 065008 (2012). PRD link, arXiv link
A Second Relativistic Mean Field and Virial Equation of State for Astrophysical Simulations, Shen, G., Horowitz, C.J., O'Connor, E., PRC 83 065808 (2011). PRC link, arXiv link
Black Hole Formation in Failing Core-Collapse Supernovae, O'Connor, E. and Ott, C.D. ApJ 730 70 (2011). ApJ link, arXiv link
Dynamics and Gravitational Wave Signature of Collapsar Formation, Ott, C.D., Reisswig, C., Schnetter, E., O'Connor, E., Sperhake, U., Loeffler, F., Diener, P., Abdikamalov, E., Hawke, I. and Burrows, A. PRL 106 161103 2011, PRL link, arXiv link
A New Open-Source Code for Spherically-Symmetric Stellar Collapse to Neutron Stars and Black Holes, O'Connor, E. and Ott, C.D., Class. Quan. Grav. 27, 114103 (2010). CQG link, arXiv link
Influence of light nuclei on neutrino-driven supernova outflows, Arcones, A., Martinez-Pinedo, G., O'Connor, E., Schwenk, A., Janka, H.Th., Horowitz, C.J., and Langanke, K., Phys. Rev. C 78, 015806 (2008). PRC link, arXiv link
Neutrino Breakup of A=3 Nuclei in Supernovae, O'Connor, E., Gazit, D., Horowitz, C.J., Schwenk, A., and Barnea, N., Phys. Rev. C 75, 055803 (2007). PRC link, arXiv link
Measurement of the 40Ca(α,γ)44Ti reaction relevant for supernova nucleosynthesis, Vockenhuber, C., Ouellet, C. O., The, L.-S., Buchmann, L., Caggiano, J., Chen, A. A., Crawford, H., D'Auria, J. M., Davids, B., Fogarty, L., Frekers, D., Hussein, A., Hutcheon, D. A., Kutschera, W., Laird, A. M., Lewis, R., O'Connor, E., Ottewell, D., Paul, M., Pavan, M. M., Pearson, J., Ruiz, C., Ruprecht, G., Trinczek, M., Wales, B., Wallner, A., Phys. Rev. C 76, 035801 (2007). PRC link
Charge-state distributions after radiative capture of helium nuclei by a carbon beam, Zylberberg, J., Hutcheon, D., Buchmann, L., Caggiano, J., Hannes, W. R., Hussein, A., O'Connor, E., Ottewell, D., Pearson, J., Ruiz, C., Ruprecht, G., Trinczek, M. and Vockenhuber, C. , NIM-B 254, 17 (2007). Science Direct link
Radio emission models of colliding-wind binary systems. Inclusion of IC cooling., Pittard, J. M., Dougherty, S. M., Coker, R. F., O'Connor, E., Bolingbroke, N. J., Astron. and Astrophys. 446, 1001 (2006). Astronomy and Astrophysics link, arXiv link
January, 2025