
Registration and payment for the meeting is handled through the PayPal system. The account is registered in the name Magnus Axelsson (e-mail This also includes booking accommodation at Skokloster. Please click once for each item you wish to register for below. A separate window should appear to list the items. If it does not, click the 'View cart' button. To proceed with the payment, press 'Secure Checkout' in the pop-up window, and you will be taken to PayPal's system where you can complete your payment using your credit card or PayPal account. In the final step before completing the payment, please fill in your name and affiliation as they should appear on the conference badge (click the link by the text to add the info).

Online registration has now closed. For on site registration, please contact us via e-mail.

Cancellation and late registration

As of August 10, no refunds will be possible, and registration is no longer available through the website. In exceptional cases, registration can be made at the conference desk. The fee is then 800 SEK, to be payed in cash.

If you have any special dietary requests, please e-mail us at!

If you wish to extend your stay until September 3 this is also possible. Please contact us to make the arrangement.