Evan O'Connor

Stockholm University
Albanova University Center
Department of Astronomy SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden

Open-source Tools

EOS Tables
EOS Maker
EOS Driver

These EOS routines and tables are from O'Connor and Ott (2010), A New Spherically-Symmetric General Relativistic Hydrodynamics Code for Stellar Collapse to Neutron Stars and Black Holes, Class. Quant. Grav., 27 114103, 2010, and, of course, the original authors of the EOS. If you have any questions or have discovered a bug in our routines/tables, please e-mail Evan at or start an issue on the GitHub page for either the EOSmaker repo or the EOSdriver repo. Please note that the routines and tables provided here come with absolutely no warranty and we are unable to guarantee that we will be able to provide support or help if you run into problems integrating them with your simulation code. If you decide to use the provided EOS routines and data in published work, it is YOUR responsibility to check their physical correctness and consistency.

EOS variantTable name and link
Lattimer and Swesty EOS, website^
LS EOS, K = 180 MeV LS180_234r_136t_50y_analmu_20091212_SVNr26.h5
LS EOS, K = 220 MeV LS220_234r_136t_50y_analmu_20091212_SVNr26.h5
LS EOS, K = 375 MeV LS375_234r_136t_50y_analmu_20091212_SVNr26.h5
H. Shen et al. EOS, website
H. Shen EOS (2011, EOS2) HShenEOS_rho220_temp180_ye65_version_1.1_20120817.h5
H. Shen EOS with Hyperons (2011, EOS3) HShen_HyperonEOS_rho220_temp180_ye65_version_1.1_20131007.h5
H. Shen EOS with quarks "B=(165MeV)^4" from Sagert et al. 2009 B165.h5 also, a NuLib table: NuLib_B165.h5. tables courtesy fo Shuai Zha
G. Shen et al. EOS (NL3) G. Shen et al. EOS (FSU), website
GShen EOS, NL3 GShen_NL3EOS_rho280_temp180_ye52_version_1.1_20120817.h5
GShen EOS, FSU1.7 GShenFSU_1.7EOS_rho280_temp180_ye52_version_1.1_20120817.h5
GShen EOS, FSU2.1 GShenFSU_2.1EOS_rho280_temp180_ye52_version_1.1_20120824.h5
Hempel et al. EOS**, website
HS EOS, TMA Hempel_TMAEOS_rho234_temp180_ye60_version_1.1_20120817.h5
HS EOS, TM1 Hempel_TM1EOS_rho234_temp180_ye60_version_1.1_20120817.h5
HS EOS, FSG Hempel_FSGEOS_rho234_temp180_ye60_version_1.1_20120817.h5
HS EOS, NL3 Hempel_NL3EOS_rho234_temp180_ye60_version_1.1_20120817.h5
HS EOS, DD2 Hempel_DD2EOS_rho234_temp180_ye60_version_1.1_20120817.h5
HS EOS, IUF Hempel_IUFEOS_rho234_temp180_ye60_version_1.1_20140129.h5
Steiner et al. EOS**, website
SFH EOS, SFHo Hempel_SFHoEOS_rho222_temp180_ye60_version_1.1_20120817.h5
SFH EOS, SFHx Hempel_SFHxEOS_rho234_temp180_ye60_version_1.1_20120817.h5
Banik et al. EOS**, website
BHB EOS, Lambda BHB_lEOS_rho234_temp180_ye60_version_1.02_20140422.h5
BHB EOS, Lambda Phi BHB_lpEOS_rho234_temp180_ye60_version_1.02_20140422.h5
^The "munu" variable in these tables has an erroneous shift of the neutron-proton rest mass difference in the LS region (rho > 1e8g/cm^3). However, the base chemical potentials are correct, to use the equilibrium electron neutrino chemical potential one should use mue - mun + mup, or mue-muhat.
&This table sacrifices range for resolution. It extends to log(density) = 15 instead of 16, and 50MeV instead of 250MeV in temperature. It also has slightly more points. This EOS was used for the FLASH simulations in Couch & Ott (2013) and Couch & O'Connor (2014)
**Please be aware that the Hempel et al.,Steiner et al., and the Banik et al. EOS have light nuclei in addition to neutron, protons, alphas and a characteristic heavy nucleus (and hyperon for the Banik et al.). These include deutrons, tritons, helions, and 4Li nuclei. They affect the compositions, and therefore neutrino interactions. All eight mass fractions are available in the H5 table, however the EOSdriver routines must be modified to access them.
*August 14th, 2012 (and then 17th) update fixed small issues in the electron chemical potential (and electron EOS) at the low density interface (everywhere)
*August 24th, 2012: The FSU2.1 was actually the FSU1.7, fixed now.
*October 7th, 2013: Added the H. Shen EOS with Hyperons. Note, the hyperon mass fraction can be found via 1-xn-xp-xa-xh.
Licensing: We release the code under the creative commons attribution-noncommercial-share alike license:
Creative Commons License.
This means that you may use the code and tables, but must make reference to our work, must not use them for commercial purposes, and any code including or using our routines or part of them may be made publicly available, and if so, only under the same license.

We also make available a selection of EOSs from the SRO code. This code, documentation, and other information is available here: https://bitbucket.org/andschn/sroeos/src/master/. These EOS work with the EOSdriver routines mentioned above (although please see the caveats in section 7 of the SRO User Guide), there is also a C++ version here: https://bitbucket.org/zelmani/eosdrivercxx/src/master/. These 96 EOS are used in da Silva Schneider et al. (2019) (arXiv). They are broken down into four sets as detailed in the paper (see Table 1 in the paper). In each set the two parameters are varied +/- 0,1,2 sigma away from the reference value, this gives 25 EOS for each set. The 0 sigma EOS is common among all 4 sets, giving 97 in total.


Delta Meff \ Meff 0.55 0.65 0.75 0.85 0.95
-0.10 +0.55_-0.10 +0.65_-0.10 +0.75_-0.10 +0.85_-0.10 +0.95_-0.10
+0.00 +0.55_+0.00 +0.65_+0.00 +0.75_+0.00 +0.85_+0.00 +0.95_+0.00
+0.10 +0.55_+0.10 +0.65_+0.10 +0.75_+0.10 +0.85_+0.10 +0.95_+0.10
+0.20 +0.55_+0.20 +0.65_+0.20 +0.75_+0.20 +0.85_+0.20 +0.95_+0.20
+0.30 +0.55_+0.30 +0.65_+0.30 +0.75_+0.30 +0.85_+0.30 +0.95_+0.30


Lsym \ Esym 28 30 32 34 36
30 +28_+30 +30_+30 +32_+30 +34_+30 +36_+30
38 +28_+38 +30_+38 +32_+38 +34_+38 +36_+38
45 +28_+45 +30_+45 +32_+45 +34_+45 +36_+45
52 +28_+52 +30_+52 +32_+52 +34_+52 +36_+52
60 +28_+60 +30_+60 +32_+60 +34_+60 +36_+60


Ksat \ Ksym -300 -200 -100 +000 +100
200 200_-300 200_-200 200_-100 200_+000 200_+100
215 215_-300 215_-200 215_-100 215_+000 215_+100
230 230_-300 230_-200 230_-100 230_+000 230_+100
245 245_-300 245_-200 245_-100 245_+000 245_+100
260 260_-300 260_-200 260_-100 260_+000 260_+100